Monday, July 30, 2007

Espresso Extraordinare

The boyfriend has mad espresso making skills! I'd like to thank Mr and Mrs Boyfriend's Parents for aiding in our caffeine-fueled graduate educations through their generous donation of an espresso machine.

Relaxing Weekend Closer

To end the weekend, my honey and I sat down last night to watch all 3 hours of The Godfather, Part I. He had never seen any of the Godfather films. The experience was incredibly amusing to me b/c he started out the movie hollering at me for wanting to talk about it while it was on. I thought I was going to burst if I couldn't give him a little background on each character, but he insisted on learning all of the story as Coppola had to tell it. So I remained as quiet as I could and enjoyed the adrenaline rush that comes from watching such an engrossing movie. About half way through, the questions started to cascade out of his mouth. "Well, why did Michael do that?" "What about Kay if he's marrying Apollona?" "Why did he make his brother in law the family consigliere and ditch Tom?" My mantra for the remaining hour and a half was, "Do you really want me to tell you? Because I thought I was supposed to keep quiet." Then he'd make a cute, frustrated 8 year old boy face and go back to twitching in his seat in anticipation. By the end of the film he felt like so much had gone on, but he wasn't really sure what happened. It was after that comment that I realized the real importance of the second film in the series. Coppola fills in a lot of information on all of the characters- it isn't just about developing Vito Corlone's character. I don't think I've ever seen a film that so excellently translated over from a novel. In fact, I believe Coppola made the characters richer and far more interesting than Mario Puzzo. Hopefully we'll get to Part II later this week!

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Welcome! I'm really excited to be writing the first entry into my first blog! I expect the early posts to be really rough, since I am not used to writing anything non-science based for eyeball consumption by normal people. I hope you find some of my tales, or rants, interesting and in the very least comical. And don't be surprised if the background colors change often. I'm still trying to find a combo that won't make folks nauseous.