Thursday, August 2, 2007

H.P. and the F'ing Bear

My philosophy buddies have been talking about this movie for a long time. It's an interesting dubbed version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Evidently, this dude who writes comic books decided to do something funny/sweet for his girlfriend that involved a Mystery Science Theater 3000-esk approach to the retelling of the 1st Harry Potter movie. It is very much an adult version, with F-bombs and all. You don't need to be highly intoxicated or a huge Harry Potter fan to appreciate the hilarious new narration of this movie. All you need to do to experience "Wizard People" is download the narration from this website: and play it with the sound up on your computer, at the same time as the movie with no sound on the tellie (unless you are a boy and know how all those wires hook up to various things on the television. :D -- no offense to the electronically inclined ladies!) This is uber fun to do with or without buddies over! :) Have fun!

PS. above is a photo of the mold I've been growing in my coffee cup (previously full of tea) at work :D This is only 2-3 days.

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