Monday, August 20, 2007

A Reason To Get Out Of Bed On Sept 7th

I was just made aware (via that there is an "age-restricted" trailer for Shoot 'Em Up. I needed to change my underwear after watching that trailer. There was so much senseless violence, cheeky one liners delivered by Paul Giamatti, and even a glimpse of a naked Monica Bellucci (oh so hot) whilst shagging (oh so British and therefore yummy) Clive Owen. I now have a reason to go to work to obtain a paycheck in order to afford that movie on opening night.

Other bitchin' movies for me to be ever-so excited about:
1. Resident Evil: Extinction (beefed up trailer) Okay, so I know the second one blew monkey nuts, but the first one rocked my world and I refuse to give up on the franchise. Besides Alice gets to kick mad zombie booty and smooch on the hot man whore from Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo. I mean, who wouldn't want to see that?! (You can stop making fun of me now).

2. 30 Days of Night (age-restricted trailer) Finally Sam Raimi can hold his head up again after the Evil Dead movies. (I still refuse to speak to people who attended Spiderman 3 and thought it was anything less than pathetic.) I think this movie has serious potential to be the scary movie that could become a cult classic. It distinctly reminds me of John Carpenter's The Thing, and not just because they are out in the snow. Watching the trailer gives you a sense of desperation and anxiety and almost hopelessness that you end up with about 2/3 the way through The Thing. You get the same vibe from watching the Dawn of the Dead 2004 remake. The difference is that the whole world was taken over by zombies in that film. When there are evil vampires taking over your town, well then I feel like the characters are far more apt to lose their damned minds knowing civilization is so close but surviving isn't.

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