Friday, August 24, 2007

They Call Me Mellow Yellow....

The Boyfriend and I went to lunch on campus today, which is always a little treat given our different schedules. We tried a new sandwich shop called WhichWich, which was actually really darned tasty. The best part however, was when I made it over to the soda machine. I was impressed that they sold Coke products. I love the Coca Cola so hard. At second glance I saw something familiar and it took a mere 2 seconds before dawning on me: they sold MELLO YELLO! I haven't seen it on the west coast save for my extremely brief stint in Utah. I have such fond high school memories of mello yello for breakfast resulting in incredible giggle fests. I couldn't take a sip of that stuff before I started into giggles. You know, the good ones that give you an ab workout and bring tears streaming down your face. As adults we do not have giggle fests anywhere near the number we should.

Speaking of giggles, here is the trailer link to the new Simon Pegg movie, Run, Fat Boy, Run. Unfortunately the US release date isn't until 26 Oct 07. A can of mello yello and some Simon Pegg on the big screen might just be one of the top 5 things to do on a Friday night.

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