Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It's awesome when you have a job that allows you to sit at your desk and eat jalapeno three cheese potato chips. In reality, I'm nervously consuming b/c I'm stressed about my impending doom (uh, more specifically my Master's thesis defense). And I'm only sitting at my desk and not writing my evil thesis b/c I'm waiting for a friend in the neighboring lab to rip apart my thesis and give it back, covered in red ink and suggestions. It's hilarious that my co-workers find it odd that I'm so afraid to present to the entire dept I work for and then defend all of my research that has been my life's work (for the eh last 2 1/2 years anyway, lol). I'm overly freaking out, I know. I'm thinking of taking up alcoholism to cure my anxiety. Thoughts? Dude, I am totally unfunny today :)

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