Thursday, November 1, 2007

I *Heart* Conan

I have no idea what I'm going to do with myself now for the next year and a month! I grew up with Conan and although I never read the books, I loved the movies. I currently have both movies on DVD and VHS. I had a mad crush on Arnold Schwarzenegger and was the proudest 7 year old on the planet when I realized 1) I could spell his name correctly and none of my friends could 2) his daughter had my same name and it was spelled the same way. At one point when I was either 6 or 7, I ended up in a little argument (through my mom of course b/c I was a littlin') with my Dad over his Arnold Schwarzenegger body building calendar. It was up in his weight room in the basement and I wanted to hang it up in my room super bad, so I asked Mom to ask Dad if I could have it. My Dad replied, in 7 year old speak, that it was his poster and NO I could absolutely not have it!

I don't know who they are going to get to play Conan this bit around. A huge part of the allure of the character was that it was played by Arnold (who was a huge body building icon at the time obviously) and how well he pulled it off. I'm not talking oscar type stuff, but he played Conan the way I would imagine Conan would be if he was for reals. I just hope to sweet baby Jesus they don't fuck this franchise up. Fingers are crossed and my hopes are high- as high as those gorgeous tight pecks of Conan's, lol.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. There are truly no words. A woman who is worried that they are going to screw up CONAN!? I mean, don't get me wrong, Wilt Chamberlain is tough to top, but...well, but nothing. I hope they don't screw up Conan too...