Sunday, January 6, 2008

Groovy Movie Tag Lines

While we were all watching the Steelers lose the playoff game last night, a preview for the new Rambo movie came on. Of course the trailer and song for it are shit, but none the less I'll be there opening day. The part that I loved was the tag line: "Heroes don't die, they just reload" How freaking awesome is that! If they had it printed up on a bumper sticker I would totally buy it for my Dad, lol.

The next tag line I saw today worth writing about, was for John Carpenter's "The Thing": "Man is the warmest place to hide." I think that's just brilliant considering the movie, and I hope the guy that thought of it got a raise. That movie is still quite high on my list of scary movies. The special effects were incredible for 1982 and still look way cool. This was way before CGI and all that garbage. When food coloring and corn syrup made movie blood and folks still got really creative with the blood and gore in horror films. Carpenter was genius for keeping all of the monsters for that movie under wraps before the movie premiered. You would be hard pressed to be able to hide a lot from the press in Hollywood these days. But the monsters and the gore were key to the film, so I still smile when I think of how surprised everyone must have been when they first saw a film of that caliber on the big screen in 1982. My three favorite scenes are in this order (WARNING! SPOILER ALERT): #3: when they make it up to the Norwegian camp and they find the frozen dead guy who'd slit his own wrists and throat. The blood froze as it was poring out of him- it was awesome looking #2: the dog scene. When the alien tries to change all of the sled dogs and parts go flying and the creature gets huge. I was sad for the puppy dogs, but the creature was bitchin' #1: When the Doc is trying to revive the first guy infected. He's using the paddles to jump start his heart and WHAM! His chest bursts open and eats the docs arms off. They used an amputee stunt double for that shot, but you wouldn't have known it unless you'd watched the 80 minute extras ;) Honorable mention goes to the walking head.

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