Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Mark Lives In IKEA

I had some time to kill before closing up the lab yesterday, so I popped over to They had an article about how this comedian/filmmaker (who currently works for the Colbert Report) named Mark Malkoff is going to live in an Ikea store for one week. Apparently, he lives in a NYC apartment that is getting fumigated. All his friends' places are too small and the hotels are too expensive. Since his apartment was mostly furnished by Ikea anyway, he thought he'd take a chance and give Ikea a call to see if he could live there for one week. The Ikea store in Paramus, NJ agreed and he found himself a cozy spot in the store to live for the next 5 days. He moved in on Monday morning and quickly made some friends. If you live in the surrounding area, you can even go visit him at that Ikea!

Kudos, Mark. Way to live my dream!

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