Monday, March 3, 2008

I Love You Simon Pegg!

Evidently, there's going to be a rip off of the Simon Pegg, Jessica Hynes, Edgar Wright and Nick Frost collaborated show Spaced. I've seen clips on YouTube, and I wish it were easier to get copies compatible with US DVD players. The show is absolutely hilarious. The rip off is going to be done by the guy that did Charles Angels. I'm a sucker for those movies b/c they're girlie fun, but who the hell gives themselves the professional name "McG"? Dude does not sing rap music, he directs girlie movies. Nuff said. Anywho, seems as though Mr. Pegg isn't too happy about the knock off. I certainly don't blame him, and will show my support by refusing to watch the American-made crap. I really don't understand what happened in Hollywood such that remakes are the only movies being made. Why do studio exec's continue to finance that garbage?! No one wants to see it, and I for one refuse to pay for any of it. Urgh! The frustration!

I hope everyone is having a nice Monday!

UPDATE: I just read on MTV moviesblog that July 23, 2008 is the US release date for the DVD of Spaced. Yay!

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