Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It's a sad day for me. My television screen has started to display everything in a green tint. It occassionally flickers back to the normal shades of blue and grey, but mostly its very, very green. Even the fuzzies are green when I'm not watching a DVD. :( It's like the television elves are giving me the finger. Have I not been loyal to you, tv elves? Do I not watch 3 movies whilst cleaning on Sundays? Do I not turn you on to listen to CD's over dinner? Do I not watch really bad B movies from Casa Video on you? Do I not lovingly dust you every couple of days? WTF, tv elves?!

I have 5 more months until I move in with The Boyfriend and adopt his gorgeous TV. The only thing I can do until then is watch mostly horror movies. Watching Shrek in the morning while I'm getting ready for work has become painful. Ole Shrek just blends in with everything else and its hard to see him do anything. I'll have to wait to fuss with the color on the display until the screen is permanently tinted green. I'm overly optimistic the TV will magically heal itself and go normal again. Oh, to be pathetically optimistic...

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