Wednesday, June 25, 2008


There is absolutely nothing interesting on the Internet this morning. I don't know what I'm going to do to waste time at work now. On a fun note, we went to Ikea this past Sunday. The tasty tasty chocolate cake thing they were serving was one of the most delicious chocolate mousse filled things with layers that I think I've ever had. I was shocked b/c you would expect it to just be okay coming out of a cafeteria. Kudos, Ikea- you've done it again! We bought a new bed, making our move in together all but official. It was fun being all shmoopy in the car on the way home after making new purchases from my fave store. One more trip up to our nearest Ikea the weekend after we move in, and we'll be all done! We still need to order some Flor samples to replace a couple of boring tiles we bought. I'm thinking green to go with light baby blue, orange, brown, and yellow. The colors are more subdued than you're probably thinking, so just calm down. :) And one of my best friends, Beth, will be in town this week so we'll be able to grab some grub and catch up. See, I told you this post was going to be boring, but I'm trying to make sure I keep up with my posts! :) I hope everyone is having a good week so far!!! And for those of us in Tucson, its supposed to rain today! YAY!

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