Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend Movie Reviews

Wanted: Saw it Friday night with some friends and The Boyfriend. I love the director (did the Russian Nightwatch series) and feel that he's very creative with visual effects and how they relate to the story. The main guy in the Nightwatch series showed up as a minor character as well, and proved he had some range and actually spoke English. His Russian was way hotter though and growly. Angelina Jolie looked really skinny, which made me feel good about myself whilst leaving the theater. That sentence is proof yet again that I am not a normal female. I was really impressed by James McAvoy's acting abilities in the film. It must have been incredibly hard to make those sorts of faces and have those sorts of reactions on cue. I was impressed. The writing style was also fun and not simply your run of the mill action flick. The audience participation with fun comments during the viewing actually made it fun as well (instead of making me want to jump kick someone in the face for being a loud idiot). I give it a 8.5.

Cloverfield: Saw it Saturday night with The Boyfriend at home after a trip to our local Casa Video. I was surprised at how well done the movie was. The first bit of creature action came out of no where and I actually screamed- they get an extra .5 for that. The action and visual effects were super cool. Even though the audience was supposed to be viewing the whole experience from a hand held camcorder, you really didn't get that nauseated feeling. They did a good job of keeping parts steady so that you were more focused on seeing what happened next than on puking. The smaller creatures were way cooler than the big one and I liked that a bite caused grossness. (I'm trying not to give anything away for those who have yet to see it). I wasn't ecstatic about the ending, but the ride there was impressive. I give it a 8.75.

Hitman: Watched last night while The Boyfriend was writing his dissertation. It wasn't your typical video game trashy movie. They didn't hold anything back blood and guts wise; it was very realistic. The story was very involved and you kept trying to figure out who did what and why. Although I still think Timothy Olyphant doesn't quite have the face for his character, he had incredible posture during the film, hot muscles, and when they gave him lines he was really funny. I like the Russian whore b/c she was saucy instead of just the damsel in distress. (FYI, she'll be a main character in the next Bond flick but as another agent, not his hoochie mama.) I'm tempted to watch the movie again tonight b/c I don't think I got all of the story since I had the volume at a lower level for The Boyfriend to get work done. All in all I give it an 8. I wouldn't own it, but its a great rental.

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