Friday, September 12, 2008

McCain On The View

I really enjoyed this article:
I think it nicely cleared up some false statements made by the McCain campaign and I was happy to see that those feisty ladies weren't afraid to boldly tell McCain they thought he was wrong about certain issues. I'm not a big fan of The View and Mrs. Hasselback makes me want to put a hit out on her for being so damned ignorant. But you can't blame a network for needing ratings caused by daily drama, so I understand why they keep her. It doesn't mean I have to watch or take much interest in the show though.

I sincerely hope the spotlight fades on Gov. Palin b/c the lady's politics scare me. Her experience is beyond limited, so much so that she couldn't answer a question concerning the "Bush doctrine" b/c she obviously didn't know what it was. And I have to say I'm not crazy about having a VP with control over foreign policy who's only been to Canada, Mexico and once to Germany and Kuwait. I'm only 26 and I've *lived in* Peru, South Korea, Germany and all over the United States. That makes me more experienced than her in foreign policy for Christ sakes.

I also get very nervous at McCain's mention of trying to over turn Roe vs Wade by appointing Supreme Court justices to "strictly interpret the constitution." What's to keep the Republican party from then pressing the Supreme Court to "strictly interpret" who can marry whom? McCain claims to believe in a separation of church and state, but I'm not convinced he'll leave gay marriage up to individual states.

Honestly, I think the madness just needs to stop. Obama/Biden '08

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