Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Totally Mental

Good morning! I must have left all my sense on my pillow this morning, lol. The morning starts out with the pleasant surprise of a Starbucks offer from The Boyfriend. One delicious cheese danish later and the handyman knocks on our door. He's over to fix the fan in the office that just stopped working. Now, let me ask you: How many grad school educated individuals does it take to turn on a fan? Two, plus one handyman to turn the dimmer that the fan is wired to. We were so used to just pushing the dimmer knob in to get the fan and light to turn on, that we didn't even consider that we were slowly turning the thing off. The handyman had a good chuckle and then left. We felt like total retards. Then we noticed that we still had our cricket captured via Tupperware in the middle of the living room floor. The handyman must think we're completely mental. Whilst discussing our mental absence with The Boyfriend, I proceeded to mindlessly swirl what was left of my tea in my coffee mug. I swirled it right all over my t-shirt and promptly had to change my clothes. I don't think I've mucked anything else up since then, but the morning isn't over yet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What!?!? You and MJ are not mechanically proficient!? I'm shocked, appalled, and frankly embarrassed. Okay, well, just one of the three....