Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Marlin Scare

This is Marlin, aka "Crazy". Yesterday he morning he puked in the house. The Boyfriend found it and on his way to obtain papertowels, stepped in some more of it. When he called to ask if we had more papertowels, I apologized and thanked him for cleaning up the dog's mess. I offered to take him to a fancy dinner since he'd been a great pack leader and also just returned home from a conference in Canada. A few hours go by and we leave campus together and head home. Upon returning home "Crazy" has poo'd and puked all of the kitchen and was very upset and worried he was going to get yelled at. Obviously he was sick (seeing as how this never happens in our house) so I didn't yell at him and scooted him outside. That's when I noticed his face was all puffy. I had a mini-freak out and called our vet. Of course our awesome vet had just left for the day because it was 5 o'clock and we were referred to the doggy ER. We get him there and they tell us he's gonna be fine and pump him full of antihistamines. Either he ate a bug, a bug bit him, or whatever to cause an allergic reaction. Two hundred and seventy seven bucks and 12 hours later he is no longer puffy and can't get enough water. There goes dinner at Maynard's Saturday night. Thinking something bad might happen to your pumpkin of a dog is a good motivator to start working with him more and perhaps taking him for a walk every now and a again regardless of his penchant for defending you from EVERY dog that looks at you.

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