Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I Managed To Survive

The Mom was in town for a visit this past week and fortunately she brought along my Godmother, aka The Buffer When Dad Isn't Around. They've been best friends since they were 6 yrs old, which is a freaking long ass time in Mom years. They stayed at a lovely bed and breakfast run by a sweet couple who happen to hail from Pittsburgh also- GO STEELERS and PENZ! I am now privy to the location of the local Tucson Steelers' bar (the Famous Sam's on Speedway and Pantano). The ladies spent lots of time doing fun touristy things here in town and left me out of a good portion of the old lady torture. We went to the desert museum and had a good time taking oodles of photos (see bottom slide show with additional family photos). Mom also took us all out to dinner at a great restaurant up on Oracle for The Boyfriend's 30th birthday. The Boyfriend and I split a remarkably delicious roasted chicken with french fries and green beans. It sounds plain but the flavors certainly weren't. The restaurant lived up to its own designation of serving "modern comfort food". The four of us also shared some fantastic seared scallops (my very first and just awesome) and fresh steak tartare that rocked my world. The flavors in that tartare were so perfectly blended you would have kissed the cook after eating what we did. I also treated everyone to Frost one night and my family just loved it. Gelato is just some tasty tasty stuff. But more importantly than all of the delicious food consumed on my family's visit, I survived a week with my Mom in town. Of course she was super nice to me on her last day in b/c she's going to miss me- she only drove me nuts all other 6 days she was here.

Stayed tuned for more family fun filled adventures when I go up there in August. It was my bright idea to suggest to Mom the she and I drive up to Pittsburgh since I haven't been there in over a decade. Did I mention the drive up is 8 hours? I'll be trapped in a vehicle with my Mother for 16 hours total, sweet baby Jesus. And now we've told Great Aunt Posie we were coming so there's no going back. Aunt Sue has promised to take us to a kick ass sushi bar in town. Sushi coupled with some nice relatives, old family friends, and visiting the city I have roots in might just be worth the vehicular torture my Mom will likely inflict on me. ;)

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