Thursday, September 24, 2009

Drive-In a Bust

Well, I'd expected to have a review of Jennifer's Body up today, alas our local drive-in didn't get the film in on time. Since they didn't have anything else playing worth our six bucks, M-dog and I decided to hit up the Golf 'n Stuff. Documentation below:

M-dog attacking the ball on the last hole...

Tiger Woods will be sporting this new swing in no time.

I got a little over excited about my last shot.


We treated ourselves to pastries and baked goods at Rincon Market when we were all finito. The chocolate pie there is really killer. Upon tasting it, M-dog likened it to the quintessential break-up pie.

In other news, the doc diagnosed me as cured of my tendinitis. I do have to sleep with a night splint for 2 weeks to stretch out my Achilles tendon, but otherwise I'm good as new. My plan is to do about a week and a half of serious yoga everyday and go for intense bike rides every other day. I think that will get me nice and warmed up to try and start running again. Fingers crossed I have no more problems and can ease back into my training in enough time before the race.

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