Monday, August 6, 2007

AM Internet Reading

So I'm reading my usual entertainment news before I actually start working, and I come across an article about an indie movie called "Teeth" showing at the Edinburgh Film Festival this year. It's about a woman who is forced to come to terms with her sexuality b/c she suffers from vagina dentata-- so basically her vagina has teeth. Evidently a toothed vagina is a worldwide myth. While googling this myth (b/c it might be the oddest thing I've heard in quite a while) I read that a lady invented an anti-rape condom based on this idea. The condom doesn't hurt women, but if a man tries to rape her vaginally, then tiny barbs on the inside of the condom get stuck on his penis and need to be medically removed. I happen to think the idea is rather clever. Women are theoretically protected from STD's the attacker might have, it will cause the attacker serious pain which gives the woman a chance to get away, and he will have to have it removed at the hospital which alerts medical staff and police about the perv. Now, what gets me are the comments that critics are leaving (including female critics). They argue that the condom is cruel to the attacker. Their concern is for cruelty against the rapist. I want to punch everyone who agrees with this. Who the f%$#! would be concerned about the comfort and care of a man tearing at your clothing and forcefully entering you. WTF?!? People need smacked- HARD.

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