Thursday, September 13, 2007

DNA Rules!

A pal sent me a cool article on a nifty new spin on modern art. At, you can order a print of your own DNA to hang where-ever. Being the nerdy scientist I am, I thought this was actually pretty sweet. The company sends you a kit to swab the inside of your mouth, and then you send the sample back to them. They proceed to extract your DNA from the sample and take a digit photo of the gel they run. It's very similar to what I do with intestinal parasites. They go a few steps further and enhance the originally black and white photo to retain one of the color schemes of your choice. Then they print it on canvas and ship it out to you. The cost for a decent sized one is just under 500 bucks, but I deem it worth it for a groovy piece of personalized artwork. They even give you the option to order it with 2, 3, or 4 people's DNA included. I'm such a nerd I actually thought it might be really sentimental to purchase one for me and my honey to put up above the bed at some point. The Boyfriend thought it was a little weird for the bedroom. :) I'll be putting my order in just as soon as I start getting a more substantial paycheck ...

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