Monday, September 3, 2007

End of My Weekend

Okay, first off I need to profess my love for the chocolate ice cream with Hershey's strawberry syrup. I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner than tonight.

The Boyfriend and I watched Eraserhead last night and I was so angry that I had to watch a few episodes of Aqua Teen Hunger Force before retiring for the night, er, early morning ;D. I used to think that David Lynch was something of a crazed genius. Now I just think he's crazed, or at least was back in film school. That movie was complete crap and didn't make any sense what so ever. I tried to look up articles online that might explain the crap fest I'd just witnessed. All of the critics and Lynch fans had bizarro interpretations and on the Lynch web page he remarks that so far he has not read an interpretation of his film that is the way that he in fact views it. What a crock of shit. I'm so mad at having wasted 1 1/2 hours of my life that I can't even properly critique the damned movie. I'm done with that b/c I am getting far too worked up again. I need 2 minutes to think about nachos to bring me back to normal....

Sighhhh, that's better :) I wish I had more to tell today, but I spent the day working on my powerpoint presentation and cleaning my house and washing my doggies. - Lest you forget that I'm a boring grad student who enjoys an occasional Baja Blast Mountain Dew rush and cartoons. :D Good luck with your upcoming work week! Peace!

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