Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I Love Food Porn

I was reading my Sept 2007 copy of Gourmet at Starbucks this evening, whilst keeping The Boyfriend company as he wrote philosophy. This month's theme was Latin American food. I can't tell you how excited I was to see so many familiar Peruvian dishes throughout the glossy pages of the Special Collector's issue. There were a number of recipes I am eager to try on my usual dinner crew of philosophers, including Ajiaco- a Columbian chicken, corn, and potato stew.

It's astonishing how much a foodie, such as myself, can get out of subscribing to food porn. First, I'm happily surprised each month when I open my mailbox and see that wonderful, plastic wrapped magazine. It's like getting an unexpected birthday present from a relative in the mail. Second, I have something shiny, new, and unblemished with my name on it every month. As a grad student making low digits, you gain a deep appreciation for shiny, new things. Third, I get stacked levels of joy from each issue. Each magazine finds an intelligent way to blend politics, sociology, art, a little philosophy, and nature with food for eyeball consumption. What is especially interesting about this combo of topics in a food magazine is that all of these things directly influence the foods we eat and are a part of our sensory experience while eating. I love that foodies understand this and deeply appreciate a well prepared meal, whether the meal is causing their taste buds to stand up and shout, or relax in a way that is familiar like old cozy flannel pajamas.

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