Saturday, September 22, 2007

Grad Students Are Too Cool For School

You can tell this desk belongs to a grad student b/c of all the lined up Coca Cola cans. You can tell this specifically belongs to me b/c of the little stuffed Giant Microbes, the moldy coffee cup, and the (cut halfway out of the photo) human tapeworm floating in a small jar of formalin. I'm going to see if my boss will let me keep that one when I leave, it's just too cool.

Yes, this is my place of studious work when I'm not enjoying the delicious coffee of Caffe Luce. This is where I attempt, pathetically, to write a thesis and a power point presentation to defend my thesis. This is where the wood soaks up all my sweat and tears, and where my neighboring grad student gets to hear my mantra "sometimes science sucks" (accompanied by the occasional curse word) through our adjoining wall. Oh, sweet home...

My hat is off to all my fellow grad students around the world who are just trying to make their stuff (papers, research, etc.) work and graduate before their hair starts to gray. Thumbs up, folks!

BTW, I hear that the US release of Run, Fat Boy, Run has been delayed to freakin' March '08!!! Dammit!!!

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