Friday, September 28, 2007

Wacky Dream

I woke up this morning remembering the wacky dream I had last night and I couldn't stop laughing. The dream started out on the day of my wedding to a guy I hadn't met yet, since it was an arranged marriage. It started to sink in that I was actually going to go through with it and if that was the case then The Boyfriend and I certainly couldn't move in together next year. So I called him and told him to think long and hard about that. He never called back. :( So I went to meet my husband-to-be who was named Anthony. He was Italian, with buku dollars, and was 2 inches shorter than me but otherwise pretty good-looking. We end up spending the day together before our impending nuptials and it turns out that he's rich b/c he's a drug dealer (this is the result of too many episodes of The Wire with The Boyfriend). So we go on a drug deal together and I had to defend him against some dude, and we got roughed up a bit, but we prevailed. I decide to marry the guy b/c what the hell? Then the dream switches gears a bit and I'm married to William Shatner. Not hot-star-trek William Shatner, old-puffy-William Shatner. But I'm cheating on him with some dude (I think it's supposed to be Evil Anthony) and my lawyer (who turns out is some hot Asian chick) at the same time wink, wink. It seems that I've reasoned my actions out in my head, even though I know I'm doing bad against my husband--- eew. And I feel really bad about it and decide I really want to try and make the marriage work. I'm getting ready to come clean with my dirty deeds, but then I wake up. Oh yeah, and my sister was Jessica Simpson who was uber proud I was leaving 'the dark side.' WTF? I've decided no more 8p In and Out Burger with Coke Zero whilst watching Hot Fuzz.


Anonymous said...

I've been having wire-inspired dreams too, but NOTHING like that. Damn. Were you pissed at M-dor when you woke up and remembered that he didn't call you back? It always takes me a while to realize that my dreams aren't really Jake's fault. :)

Unknown said...

That might be the most awesome thing I've ever read. And not because of the hot asian lawyer. Well, not just because of the hot asian lawyer.