Friday, April 11, 2008

Bush Is An Idiot, Yet Again

I get extremely frustrated when people with little to no science background make decisions involving science. President Bush wants to move the research of foot and mouth disease from Plum Island, NY to a yet to be decided state on the mainland US. Now, any idiot in Washington can Google foot and mouth disease to see that it is highly contagious. Although non-infectious to humans, the disease can be carried on workers breath and clothing to commercial livestock. The states they have picked to choose the exact location of the new laboratory from are all located near commercial livestock. People, let's put two and two together. Or even better, lets look at outbreaks that have already occurred. For instance, the 2001 outbreak in the UK that resulted in the slaughter of 6 million sheep, cows and pigs. The disease spreads so quickly that large numbers of animals must be slaughtered to prevent loss of further livestock. Think of the economic cost for the US (on top of a war we can't afford) if people didn't have their McDonald's hamburgers to eat. Then include the cost to kill the animals infected and the psychological therapy that the people killing all of the animals would need. I'm not making this shit up- when the UK had that outbreak of mad cow disease and animals had to be slaughtered, it was too much for people to just keep killing innocent animals one after another. Perhaps someone should suggest that Bush Wikipedia search foot and mouth disease before he costs this country anymore money we can't afford to spend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah. You're just right.