Monday, April 7, 2008

Ulcers Suck

Here's a little info on what's going on in my tummy (curtousy of ulcers) btw, not photos of my tummy.

The primary digestive juices, hydrochloric acid and pepsin, are powerful substances necessary for breaking food down for use by the body. Acid is always present in the stomach, but except at meal times, in relatively small amounts. A common misbelief is that excess acid is solely responsible for producing ulcers. Hydrochloric acid, secreted in the stomach, does indeed play a part in the development of ulcers, but it is not the only culprit. Pepsin, the other major digestive fluid, is an enzyme that breaks down whatever proteins are presented to it, including, if exposed, the stomach's own tissues.

In order for pepsin and hydrochloric acid to cause damage to the stomach or duodenum, however, the stomach's defense system must be altered or damaged. The mucous layer, which coats the stomach and duodenum, forms the first line of defense against acid and pepsin. In addition, the body secretes bicarbonate into the mucous layer, which neutralizes the acid. So while the contents of the stomach may be highly acidic, the stomach's own tissues are normally only slightly acidic. Other factors in the defense system of the intestinal tract are hormone-like substances known as prostaglandins, which help keep the blood vessels in the stomach dilated, ensuring good blood flow and protecting against injury. Prostaglandins are also believed to stimulate bicarbonate and mucus production. If any of these defense mechanisms are disturbed, and acid and pepsin are allowed to attack the stomach lining, an ulcer can result.

And apparently cigarettes are off the damned list as well! I mean who the hell knew that nicotine increased stomach acid concentration and volume??!!!??? I did something really wrong in a past life if the powers that be have basically turned me into a vegetarian minus all the delicious fruits that I love (grapefruit, raspberry, blackberry, lemons, limes, etc). And here's a good one- a way to increase stomach mucosa (according to the internet) is to boil cabbage and drink the water. Cabbage!!!!!! Wtf, mate?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the cabbage--that sounds like ancient Roman medicine to me. And disgusting.