Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Official 'Twilight' Trailer Released by Summit

After reading the book synopsis on Wikipedia, I thought this movie was going to blow. Written by a Mormon housewife bent on impressing on horny teenagers the importance of abstinence and chosing b/w good and evil. Also, on the movie poster, the guys are all too pretty. Just because the dudes are vampires doesn't mean they have to be pretty.

Now that they've released an official trailer, my interest has totally peeked. The guy playing the lead character, Edward, is pretty but his voice and eyes make up for it. The girl still could use some highlights in her hair so she doesn't have to look so dramatic and out of place.
Plus, I'm a sucker for vampire flicks as much as the next chick. Chicks totally dig vampire flicks b/c every lady wants some hot guy to stare at her primally like he can't decide if he wants to eat her or rip her clothes off. Why? Because its f'ing hot, that's why.


Anonymous said...

Now I get it! Keanu was able to kill Dracula because vampires are emo.


Anonymous said...

I'm going to go ahead and choose evil, sight unseen.