Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Oh Delicious Food

Oh, Trader Joe's Vanilla-Vanilla Joe Joes, how do I love thee? Let me count the many ways:

  1. You do not require milk to maximize deliciousness

  2. For the first time in cookie history do I NOT want to twist you apart and lick your tasty icing off and then toss the cookie parts aside like a one night stand

  3. All life can be sustained by you and you alone for at least 24-48 hours

But in my hunger for more, I have failed you. I have tasted the fruits of another: Baskin Robbins Gold Medal Ribbon flavored ice cream. Nightly I consume its caramely goodness, reveling in its smooth butteriness. Sometimes I even sneak off in the middle of work to meet on University Blvd for a romantic tryst with my scrumptious cone. Can you forgive me, sugary goodness that is my Vanilla-Vanilla Joe Joes? I promise never to stop purchasing you. I'm even going to buy a second box to store you in The Boyfriend's apt. Oh forgive me, wonderful cookie!

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