Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Yay For New Healthy Babies!

A good friend of mine gave birth to an adorable baby girl this morning! I'm so excited and happy for her and her husband. They did a good job spawning b/c the new baby isn't even ugly like new babies are typically still scary looking for the first few days. Her name is Kayla Renae and more info can be found on the baby's blog: What's crazy about this whole thing for me is that I feel like I was just at Cathy and Brent's wedding and before that just introducing Cathy to The Boyfriend at Che's on a Sept night 3 years ago. We decided in the girls' bathroom at the bar that I could have the guy I'd brought to introduce her to b/c I asked nicely. :) Turns out she's a wife and new Mom now, so I don't think she's doing too bad! :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Yay for new babies!

And yay! for you having a conversation with her in the bathroom wherein it was decided that you got to pursue The Boyfriend instead of her. :) What would life be like had you not had that conversation?! Gah! Bad to even think about! :)