Monday, July 28, 2008

Death By Boredom

I'm at work staring at the clock and willing it to go later. I'm sleepy as hell and there is hardly anyone in our department over the summer, and my boss decided not to come in today. My work projects are minimal and I really need a new project to start on. The boss man and I are going to have a serious talk tomorrow. He hired me to be primarily research oriented, but since he's nearing retirement his emphasis on research based projects has gone on vacation perhaps never to return. With my limited knowledge fresh out of grad school, I'm having a tough time coming up with projects concerning G. lamblia that are publication worthy. Urgh. Bitch and moan, that's what my day amounts to today. On a brighter note, I'm not really depressed about my job or my house being surrounded in boxes today. The Boyfriend was a doll and put my dining room table together last night, so the dining room is basically finished and only needs cleared of remaining boxes. Now if I can just get him to decide on Flor tiles, life would be almost perfect! ;)

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