Thursday, August 14, 2008


Hey folks! Sorry for the delay in blog posts- it has been a very busy couple of weeks or so. The Boyfriend's parents came into town for a nicely spent 5 days. They took us out to a number of delicious meals, and I have only one restaurant to complain about. We went to Blanco and the view was wonderful, the waitress was lovely, but the bad news was that ALL of their food has garlic in it. All of their vegetables, all their meat, everything. Now, had I not asked about the garlic content I never would have know that all of their food was covered in garlic. They didn't post it in their menu anywhere. What if someone had a serious food allergy? I ended up eating overly sweetened flan for dinner. Didn't leave me ecstatic. Other than that, I had a wonderful time visiting with the folks and they were very helpful around the house. His parents weed a front yard like no body's business! It was really great being able to see them and just hang out and watch the Olympics and chat and stuff. :)

On their departure, I came down with strep throat thanks to my buddy at work. I'm lucky in that I have the coolest and kindest doctor on the planet as my PCP. His name is Dr. Steven Vig and he works for Carondolet Medical Group, in case anyone is interested. He totally took me in same day and although my quick test for strep came back negative he prescribed me antibiotics anyway - neither of us trusted the quick test. I've had strep a million times as a kid and I freakin know what it feels like. He saw my throat and agreed that it was a mess worthy of antibiotics. So, 3 days later I'm doing much better and finally back at work. We're even having people over tonight to celebrate a friend's birthday.

Oh, one last fun detail- we had a nasty storm come through last night and completely drench Tucson. I could care less about the storm except that our bedroom roof leaked right on our bed. Not great when you're in your underwear ready to jump into bed and get all snuggly and you land on a giant wet spot. Needless to say, we futon'd it last night. Our laundry room floor leaked like mad, too. We've used most of our towel supply to save the 950$ mattress of mine we have stored in there. It was a little nuts last night with all the water.

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