Thursday, September 18, 2008

Cable Is The Devil

I think I have a problem- I'm addicted to cable television. Wednesday nights are my beloved episodes of Project Runway. Last night was a great episode and Joe got booted off. I swear Suede is next, then either Kenley or Jerell. Sunday nights are football and in between commercials House M.D. on USA network (they run weekend marathons). The new season of House starts next week I think. Monday nights on Spike TV they've got marathons of CSI: Las Vegas. I justify my marathon watching by telling The Boyfriend that I'm watching science when he suggests that maybe I should turn the TV off. On Tuesday nights is the new show Fringe on Fox. In between all those shows are episodes of Nanny 911, Wife Swap, and anything on HGTV. We've decided to quit watching Top Design b/c the people and challenges aren't that interesting but most importantly the judges are all icy and bitchy. I'm not down for all that negativity. I might however, start picking up the Rachel Zoe Project on Tuesday nights b/c I dig the fashion. Oh God, I need help! Thank sweet baby Jesus I have plans for the next three nights so that I can get away from The Cable. I have a serious addiction that I can't control. This is why I never had cable during college- I never would have gotten any work done. I once closed out Best Buy due to TV distraction. I was so invested in what was on the big screen TV's that I didn't realize lights being turned off and employees walking around with cash registers signaled closing time. I'm weak to The Cable's powers! It is my cryptonite!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, now you are finally addicted.