Saturday, September 20, 2008

Choosing A Costume

I know its early, but I've been trying to find Halloween costume ideas. I thought I'd go a little skanked out this year in hopes of getting a reaction out of my friends. So far, a buddy of mine helped pic these two and I really like them. I was hoping that you all out their in the world of The Internet could give me advice on which you liked best. Or if anyone has any suggestions for costume ideas that wouldn't be very expensive, that would also be appreciated. :)


Anonymous said...

I think this is a bold move, a chance to shake things up, and I fully support it. As to which direction to go? Well, don't get me wrong, the referee taps into some deep-seated competitive/authority issues, I'm afraid your buddy might be having a little difficulty overcoming some juvenile instincts. But I'm somewhat disappointed by the lack of color. It's a little dull. I'm voting Candy Corn.

Michelle said...

Gotta agree with Aaron here. The candy corn one is totally the way to go. Part of my reaction to the ref one is looking at those shoes and thinking 'ow ow ow'.

(That said, the ref one can give you the opportunity to have much fun with various moving violations, passing violations, etc.)

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