Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Can't Believe Palin

I read this article from this morning: I CANNOT believe that people are supporting her and even hinting at a 2012 ticket with her on top. This woman has almost no experience. She really is dumb as dirt when it comes to discussing foreign policy and current US policies. The Couric interview was not a set up for the media to bash her. It was supposed to be an opportunity for her to show the world who Sarah Palin was. She did indeed- those interviews were awful and there is no one to blame but Sarah Palin, her ignorance, and the McCain campaign advisers that thought it was a good idea to put her on stage for scrutiny so early. But wait, the only reason it was early at all is because McCain chose her as a gimmick at the last minute before the RNC. She had ovaries and was strongly conservative. McCain thought that he could kill two birds with one stone and reel in those Hilary voters as well as the strong conservative right. I am appalled that she allows people at her rallies to call Obama a socialist, a communist, and a terrorist. At one point a person at her and McCain's rally yelled out "kill him" when they were discussing Obama. Palin is also telling lies about the Obama campaign as a scare tactic that the Republican party is so fond of. At this point I'm utterly disgusted with how the McCain-Palin ticket has conducted themselves. I can't dream of voting for them at any point after closely following this election.

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