Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Christmas Tickets Finally Purchased

Last night I finally purchased plane tickets to visit family for Christmas. This was nothing short of an Olympic feat. I had to coordinate between dates The Boyfriend's family would be in FL, the days my great aunt would arrive and leave VA, when The Boyfriend would finish grading finals for 180 students, what times would best work for people to fly out then be picked up, when rush hour traffic occurred in each city, and when I could drop the dogs off at the kennel (shout out to Creature Comforts, what what!) One freak out and a single cigarette later, tickets were down and at a slightly lower cost than expected. Unfortunately, I won't be able to visit The Boyfriend's family this holiday because the tickets were obscenely expensive. Instead, he'll be coming home with me for 3 days and then shooting off to be with his family. Even though we won't be together for Christmas day, I hope we'll have fun with our families anyway.

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