Thursday, October 2, 2008

View On 'Biased Moderator'

I definitely share this man's view on the supposed bias the Republicans are screaming about the day before the debates. Why is it that no one mentioned this as a concern earlier? It's not like the woman moderating hid the information from people. It's on for crying out loud. It really does seem as though its a ploy to give Palin supporters an excuse if Palin does poorly. I personally don't expect her to hold up well and that's mostly my reason for watching. During her interviews all week the woman couldn't hold a sentence together and didn't know the answer to a number of questions. I likened it to a college freshman who crammed the night before an oral foreign language exam. This isn't to say Palin is necessarily stupid, but it is obvious she is not fully prepared for something this large. If she does well tonight during the debates, she definitely will have earned it.

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