Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Its Wednesday

EMBED-Dumb Cat Can't Figure Out How To Drink - Watch more free videos

Yeah, Wednesdays are like sticking your head under the faucet to get a drink.

So prognosis on my goofy ass foot is good. Doc says he thinks its just tendinitis and not a stress fracture. I'll know for sure when he gets the x-rays back for my visit next Thursday. In the mean time they taped the shit out of my foot so I walk all funny and my toes are forced to spread out all weird like. I'm also not supposed to get the tape wet, which will make for an interesting shower in the morning. I've been given a giant boot to wear, so I look like Robo-Scientist. They also gave me a patch to put on for pain and inflammation as well as some happy corticosteroids that hopefully won't cause serious roid-rage. I'm not sure The Boyfriend is prepared to handle all the chemical fueled anger blazing from his tiny girlfriend. The doc is treating this silly running injury rather aggressively, but I appreciate him helping to get me to the 1/2 marathon on Nov 1st.

In other news Man Vs Food will be filming here in town next week and I could almost burst with excitement! I want to give Adam Richman a big old hug and maybe get a pic with him. I'll have to get Friday off so I can go stalk him at Lindy's on 4th Ave ;) Btw, folks need to go try their burgers now before the episode airs in December and the place gets packed. The food rocked and the beer was cheaply priced.


Aaron said...

Oh sweetie, you always walk funny.

Anonymous said...

My goodness Kate! We do have a lot of similar interests! i love this stupid cat video, such a crack-up.

Another strange coincidence: Man vs Food came to Durham and filmed this race we have here called the Doughman (like an ironman but shorter distances (of course!) and competitive eating). We just had a big Man Vs Food watching party at the end of last month for it!

Hope your foot heals quickly!