Friday, September 11, 2009

Random, Part 253

Apologies for not writing in a week and a half but life's been busy and status quo all at the same time. I still have a bum foot due to tight ass tendons healing all scrunched up. My solution is Hot Male Yoga (yes, that's actually a DVD), some foot stretches and no running practice for at least another week but probably longer. Okay, so I can't bring myself to put Hot Male Yoga on the Netflix que that I share with The Boyfriend, but I did select Yoga for Runners which I'm jazzed about. My lab homie also brought me in her Yoga for Runners book that should be helpful.

A friend came back into town recently and we were able to snag grub with him for a couple nights this week. Its a novelty for me to have a buddy move away and then actually come back. We've enjoyed hanging out with him so far and I look forward to bad movie watching, bowling and more dinners.

I've had freaky bizarre nightmares all this week. Yesterday I shot up in bed at 3am trying to grab the invisible wrist of the person who sat a spatula down on my kitchen counter top that was profusely dripping hamburger grease everywhere. Anxiety much? This was also after popping half a muscle relaxer. Christ I'm wound up. And last night's joy of joys involved me and The Boyfriend living with Antonio Banderas and we all mutually agreed that we'd have an open relationship. Then things got weird and the boys didn't want to share me anymore. And lemme tell you, this dream was so not hot. I almost felt bad/rude for subconsciously including poor unsuspecting Antonio Banderas in my icky nightmare.

Why am I strung out you ask? I think it could have something to do with feeling like I have little control over the next few major life changing situations in my life. I have no idea where I'll be living in a year or what type of job I'll have, when The Boyfriend's going to make an honest woman out of me so friends and family will leave me alone, or if my job is going to run out of money next year so that I won't have the option to stay. I usually take 7+ miles to run those thoughts out of my head, but being gimpy doesn't allow for that sort of stress relief. I'm hoping the yoga can act as stand in so I can get a normal night's rest.

On that note, I'm heading home to have the half can of beer I'm allowed before heartburn kicks in. Have a great weekend folks!

Trailer looks like it might be interesting and a possible drive-in or cheap theater attendance.

PS GO STEELERS!!!!! I hope you get better soon Polamalu!

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