Monday, November 23, 2009

Four Square

I had a fairly nice and relaxing weekend with The Boyfriend which included a Friday night of homemade nachos, a couple hours of Borderlands, and some snuggle time. Saturday was mostly cleaning and then an awesome fantastic dinner at M-dog's house. Mmmmm, tasty homemade gnocchi with garlic bread, salad, and incredible company! Sunday was a morning of orange iced cinnamon rolls, (unsuccessful) Christmas shopping on 4th Ave, some tasty pizza, and a game of four square. Now most folk have played four square as a kid- of course except for me. I remember my brother playing and the boys at school all saying he was really good, but that is the extent of my four square exposure prior to Sunday. Our buddy Justin explained all the rules and I then butchered every opportunity to hit the ball for the first hour. Things were flying at me and my boobs (literally) and so I instinctively kicked and hit the damned ball too hard. I was basically going barbarian when I needed to be ninja. It got better towards the end and I was even king a couple of times, though not entirely of my own devices. I'm thinking an interesting addition to the game would be some beer- or maybe just lots of beer ;)

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