Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Eli Manning is a Douche

I love football. Most of all I love the Steelers. If you have family from Pittsburgh, live(d) anywhere near Pittsburgh, know someone who's second cousin is married to a Steelers fan, then you can nod in agreement that the Steelers are the best team... EVER. Because of my love for the fooseball, I check Fox Sports every once in a while. This morning I found this article. I was unaware that Mr. Tiki Barber had said anything, but after reading the article I had to giggle b/c he's absolutely right. Personally I hate both of the Manning brothers and think they're wussy quarterbacks that play it too safe all the time. That aside, Eli is a complete douche bag which was further proven by his verbal diarrhea produced in response to Mr. Barber's television statements. Even Peyton wouldn't have stooped to commenting to the media against Mr. Barber. Eli will always live in his brother's weak ass shadow and never be a truly great quarterback. Now for how I really feel....

I hope everyone's having a good work week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that I live in Tennessee, I'm required by state law to point out that Peyton Manning is an awesome quarterback.