Monday, August 27, 2007

Holy Crap!

I've just seen the red band trailer for Alien vs. Predator: Requiem and I'm speechless. The first Alien vs. Predator was a wash- a fun wash but nevertheless a craptastic add to the franchise. One might think movie exec's would give up on attempting to profit on beating a dead horse already. But no... and this time I'm thanking them. The trailer included no holds bar action- kids got face-huggers, chicks got pinned against a wall with flying Predator blades, dude got his face melted off, etc. The female ass-kicking lead/Sigourney Weaver incarnate actually looks cool, too. I hope to God this isn't one of those previews that show all the good parts to the movie. I'm seriously excited and I believe I've changed my view that the Aliens are the supreme beings. I'm now voting for both the Aliens and Predators! Release date: Christmas 2007! Happy, happy- joy, joy!


Anonymous said...

I assume that you're familiar with this?

Anonymous said...

Dude, if you're voting for both the aliens AND the predators, I think you're going to disappointed a lot. Probably a lot of both are gonna get iced.