Sunday, August 19, 2007


The Boyfriend really wanted to go see this movie so we hit the theater today. The only reason I hesitated to go is because I can't stand movies or tv shows were people utterly humiliate themselves. I can watch blood and gore til the cows come home, but if some teenage boy makes a complete ass out of himself in front of the head cheerleader I'm busy covering my eyeballs.

The movie gets mad props from me for being really really funny. I would consider it a bit vulgar, but what made it hilarious was how the characters said everything with a straight face. The outtakes on the DVD will be freaking hilarious. The film was successfully able to place itself on the high end of high school inspired comedies. I am looking forward to seeing more films from Judd Apatow and Seth Rogan.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, yeah. I don't remember the girls in high school being A) that cute, B) that forward, and C) that understanding. Hell, girls in college weren't. Hell, girls now are usually only 1 for 3!

And don't get me started on the cops. But I think they were the best part of the movie.
"McLovin! Why did you run away!?"