Friday, September 7, 2007

What I Really Do at Work in The Morning

This morning's gmail convo- with names changed to protect the not-so-innocent.

M-dog: here you go:
7:05 AM i take it that you've already seen the clip of clive and whatshername going at it while assassins attempt to kill him. it was kinda hilarious

me: lol
M-dog: so had you seen that clip with clive and whatshername?
it's f%$#ing intense
and he's gorgeous
me: not yet- i've got to hook up my laptop b/c work computer sucks
9:30 AM gimme a minute and i'll have it up
M-dog: cool
it's on the film drunk page
and. well. um. wow.
it's also been getting really good reviews from places
10:15 AM me: dude, that scene was hot!
M-dog: wasn't it?!
10:16 AM it's one of those things you never expect to see - someone f%$#ing whilst engaging in a gun battle
me: so freakin hot
10:17 AM M-dog: maybe i'm just not creative enough, but the logistics of it just seem implausible
then you watch it
and you decide that perhaps f%$#ing during a gun battle is a good idea
at least if clive owen is there
10:18 AM me: LOL, i'm so cutting and pasting everything you just said on my blog today
that was perfect!
M-dog: haha!
i was totally trying to decide if i should put part of that on my 'away message' thing
but decided against it


Anonymous said...

You say 'not-so-innocent', I say 'speaker-of-the-obvious'

Tomato, tomahto.


Anonymous said...

Sweet Lord! I'm so happy someone else finally posted here. I think this deserves commemoration. K8, I hereby forgive you for spoiling the Monica Belluci surprise.

That is all.