Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tiny Thoughts

I saw this kid on the FilmDrunk.com website this morning and he might just be the cutest little kid ever! He looks far more likely to be attending a British soccer match than a Nascar race, but I'm torn. He also looks like what I might spawn 10 years from now, lol.

I am happy to hear that Britney Spears has finally lost custody of her kids. Maybe now the chick will feel like she should seek serious mental help. It's so weird to have the whole world watching a woman lose her damned mind at 25 and no one seems to care to help her. It's bizarre. Perhaps as bizarre as driving a giant SUV with a magnetic ribbon that says "Bring our troops home!" whilst squeezing it through the Starbucks drive-thru and then dumping all the excess trash from previous fast food restaurant trips onto the ground below the drive-thru window. Hmmmm....

I'm no saint mind you. On occasion I've conveniently forgotten to bring a baggy to clean up dog mess during a walk. But those days are long gone I tell you! I'm an upstanding citizen dog walker now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm lame and I google my own site! Anyway, thanks for reading.

-Lance from FilmDrunk