Friday, June 27, 2008

New Deodorant

When one lives in the desert, especially during monsoon season, they tend to sweat a bit. If you live in the desert during monsoon season and ride your bike 2.65 miles to work and 2.65 miles from work daily, then you really sweat. Unlike The Boyfriend who always smells wonderfully delicious, I smell like a beast when I sweat. I blame my mother for these genes. I have to switch deodorants every couple of months after I finally find one that works b/c my body chemistry is so difficult. I also have to Oxyclean all of my t-shirts before throwing them in the laundry b/c of armpit stains. I'm a gross chick. So in angst over their not being any female deodorant that works on me, I purchased man deodorant at Target last night. I got the least man smelling man deodorant they had... with aloe. ;) I'll keep you updated on the success of the man's Degree on my beastly lady underarms. My fingers are crossed that it works and I will have won at least one battle against Nature.


Anonymous said...

That's just plain hot. You go girl!

Anonymous said...

god, I am in the same damn reeking boat.

I gave up and tried a couple of man deodorants a few years back, and with no luck. I overheard some football players talking about using multiple deodorants at once--stick and spray--but I haven't tried that yet.

*The Beaker's Half Full* said...

So far the deodorant is working! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Sweat a bit living in the desert? You would probably sweat profusely anytime of the day or season of the year. Even though I have heard night are truly cold and now I'm going off topic a bit.