Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back In Action

Well, obviously I made it home safe from visiting my parents, or I wouldn't be writing you this blog. I had a wonderful time seeing my folks and eating LOTS of delicious foods. Mom kept me busy with dolphin watching, a visit to the aquarium, sun bathing at the beach near jellyfish infested waters, going to the movies, etc. I also did not get into one fight with my Mom- all whilst riding the crimson wave. I think that gains me some grown up points right there. That's practically a historic moment.

The Boyfriend and I are basically all moved in together. We are fast learning the ins and outs of our strange old house. Some of the floors are uneven, the water from the tap tastes funny, every picture hook ever put in a wall in that home still remains, there's no garbage disposal in our small sized kitchen sinks, and there's a strange hole in our bathroom door. But, at least the toilet and oven are completely spotless. We got to putting the new entertainment center together ( and so far the beast of a television we have hasn't killed it yet. I hope the entertainment center conquers it. And the bed was all but put together last night when we realised that Ikea did not in fact include the last piece to hold the bed together. At 11 o'clock at night we whipped out the futon and camped out in our living room. We will remain camped out until we return to Ikea this Saturday. Other than the minor bumps, our move went really well thanks to numerous friends that showed up on moving day! If any of you are reading, many many thanks from me and The Boyfriend. It was raining, but that meant no sunburns or overly sweaty people and it only took 2 hours to move everything, stop off at Goodwill, and return the truck. I'd say that was a job well done! I'll keep you guys updated on any more cooky happenings in the new pad. Peace out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry i missed the moving. :( i had to finish preparing for class that morning, so i couldn't go. but i sent jake, and he's stronger than i am, so that counts, right?