Friday, February 13, 2009

I Can't Wait To Eat Dinner Tomorrow

Above is the menu at the new restaurant we're trying for dinner tomorrow to celebrate Valentine's Day. As soon as we read it online my mouth began to water. Simultaneously, my butt began to wiggle in the beginnings of a happy dance. The cause of the happy shimmy: the words "garlic" and "spicy" are not featured anywhere on that menu. I can enjoy every single morsel of delicious food, carefully prepared by a chef who appreciates locally grown veggies, without experiencing agonizing stomach pain afterwards due to my middle finger-flipping lower esophageal sphincter. Of course I'll have to hand the champagne over to my honey, but I doubt he'll mind. Besides I need to get him all good and liquored up so he'll put out at the end of the evening. ;)

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