Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Readers' Digest Version

Okay, so I've been busy enough the past few days to have enough material for a couple of posts. Instead, I got lazy- so here's the short, short version of the last couple of days:

Sunday I ran my first 5K race since senior year of high school. I finished in 35.06 min, and was 18th in my age group of 35 women. That's average and not bad as far as I'm concerned. I am going to work on making my pace time shorter for the next race: a trail run at Catalina State Park April 11th. Dena will be my running buddy so I'm pretty excited. The coolest part of all this isn't the sense of accomplishment or the healthy feeling you get from exercise. Its 100% the free food they feed you afterwards. Omg, they had Philly Cream Cheese for goodness sakes! And fruit, coffee, breads and pastries, good granola bars, and cookies. And I hear the one in April will be serving Mexican breakfast. Fuck yeah!

The Oscars M-Dog came over with fantabulous homemade pretzels in tow. We watched the pre-show with Tim Gunn (because he's awesome) and had a great time being caddy bitches. Meryl and The Boyfriend joined us for short intervals, as they were busy being studious in The Boyfriend's office. Annie popped by to witness the final group of awards, so we had a full house at the end. I'm extremely disappointed the Mickey Rourke didn't get the Oscar for Best Actor. Dude lost his dog and the Oscar all in one week. My heart goes out to him, poor bastard. I was pleased that Sean Penn tipped his hat to Mickey though. Wolverine did a fantastic job hosting, but I really wish they had given him more screen time. The opening number was pretty damned funny. I was happy Anne Hathaway didn't win b/c I couldn't have handled her waterfall acceptance speech. Kate Winslet deserved to win anyway. The majority of the dresses were lovely and I think best tux had to go to Robert Downey, Jr. That man just keeps getting better and better looking.

Rouge This movie sucked ass. I've decided killer crocodile horror movies just blow. I've seen three now that prove my theory. Because the croc's are all CGI and crap, they can't have any really good people-eating scenes because it will look entirely too fake. It always takes 30-45 minutes to get to viewing the damn croc and they usually show initial footage of someone getting eaten but without actually seeing the croc. The zombie nightmare I had last night was better than the stupid movie. I swear I'd make a killing in Hollywood working for Roger Coreman or the Weinstein brothers. I'm totally in the wrong business with my supernatural movie talents wasted.

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