Thursday, May 14, 2009


Only my Boyfriend could make finding a cock-a-roach in the bathroom first thing in the morning funny. I woke up to pee and feed the dogs. I don't have my glasses on yet, but I notice one of my tupperwares on the bathroom floor as I'm sitting down. Since its The Boyfriend's habit to capture critters this way, I know there's something waiting for me inside. I assume its the minus a leg grasshopper I was too lazy to kick out of the house the day before. Or maybe a cricket since The Boyfriend hates when they churp and he can't see them to get rid of them. Upon closer inspection I see that there is an adorable little yellow post-it note for me on the tupperware: "This is Steve. I'll send him home in the morning." Steve is the second cockroach we've ever found in our old house and it appears that he has already met his maker so The Boyfriend won't have to send him real far. What a morning adventure all before my AM tea :)

UPDATE: Steve was only faking death in hopes of an early release on bail. My camera flash made him flitter about uncomfortably. Ick.

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