Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Non-Elusive Dog Bunny

Pictured here are a herd of dog bunnies, resting under the safety of my dining area table. They've rolled under here like tumble weeds with the aid of my living room fan. Dog bunnies, cousins to the dust bunny, are comprised of dog fur instead of dust and microscopic house debree. The off-grey color of this particular family of dog bunnies results from the fact that I have a yellow lab and a black lab/shep mix. I fear that the dog bunnies in this herd are gathering an army with plans to take over my entire living room, kitchen, and possibly the top of my stove. I will have to put a stop to their antics this Saturday, now that I no longer have to spend my weekends house hunting! (Yay for knowing where you're going to live in 3 months!!!)


Anonymous said...

You found your place!?! Sweet!! You gotta tell me all about it!!

Anonymous said...

Well said.